


Beginning in 2022, field players must wear protectors for commotio cordis (shoulder pads) that meet the NOCSAE ND200 standard and contain an SEI certification mark.

Click here to find shoulder pads legal for play in 2022.

  • Stick

  • Ball

  • Helmet

  • Mouthpiece

  • Gloves

  • Arm Pads

  • Shoulder Pads

  • Other - Rib pads are strongly recommended, and often required, as are athletic supporters and protective cups for all players.

  • The goalkeeper is required to wear a throat protector and chest protector, in addition to a helmet, mouthpiece, gloves and a protective cup.

The Game

Boy’s lacrosse is a contact game played by ten players: a goalie, three defensemen, three midfielders and three attackmen. The object of the game is to shoot the ball into the opponent’s goal and to keep the other team from scoring. The team scoring the most goals wins.

To view the most up to date rules of the game, visit the USA Lacrosse Website.

Field Positions

  • The attackman’s responsibility is to score goals and help his teammates score goals by passing the ball. The attackman generally restricts his play to the offensive end of the field. A good attackman demonstrates excellent stick work with both hands and has quick feet to maneuver around the goal. Each team has three attackmen on the field during play.

  • The midfielder’s responsibility is to cover the entire field, playing both offense and defense. The midfielder is a key to the transition game, and is often called upon to clear the ball from defense to offense. A good midfielder demonstrates good stick work including throwing, catching and scooping. Speed and stamina are essential. Each team has three midfielders on the field.

  • The defenseman’s responsibility is to defend the goal. The defenseman generally restricts his play to the defensive end of the field. A good defenseman should be able to react quickly in game situations. Agility and aggressiveness are necessary, but great stick work is more essential to attack. Each team has three defensemen on the field.

  • The goalie’s responsibility is to protect the goal and stop the opposing team from scoring. A good goalie also leads the defense by reading the situation and directing the defensemen to react. A good goalie should have excellent hand/eye coordination and a strong voice. Quickness, agility, confidence and the ability to concentrate are also essential. Each team has one goalie in the goal during play.



Ball – may use a regulation ball (yellow), or a “soft” ball. It is highly recommended that new or beginner programs use the soft ball until players have developed their throwing and catching skills. If a soft ball is used, it should be approximately the same size as a regulation ball. A regulation ball may be used for indoor play, however a “no bounce” ball is recommended.

Sticks – Level C may use a youth stick with mesh or traditional stringing or regulation women’s crosse and may have a modified pocket. With a modified pocket, only half the ball may fall below the bottom of the sidewall. Level B must use a regulation women’s crosse with either a regular or modified pocket. Level A must use a regulation women’s crosse with regular pocket.

Protective equipment – mouthguards are mandatory at all levels. Eye protection requirements for all levels must be the same as outlined in Rule 2-9 of US Lacrosse Women’s Rules. Close fitting gloves and soft headgear are permitted; no hard helmets may be worn except by the goalie.

Goalies must wear helmet with face mask, separate throat protector, chest protector, abdominal and pelvic protection, goalie gloves, and leg padding on the shins and thighs. The protective helmet, designed for lacrosse, must meet the NOCSAE test standard. All protective devices used should be close fitting, padded where necessary, and not be of excessive weight.

The Game

Girl’s lacrosse is a non-contact game played by 12 players: a goalkeeper, five attackers and six defenders. Seven field players may cross the restraining line and four stay behind. The object of the game is to shoot the ball into the opponent’s goal. The team scoring the most goals wins. To view the most up to date and thorough rules of the game, visit the USA Lacrosse website.